Clientology Huddle

Customer experience conference 2020

Join us during the 5th year of CX conference and recharge your bateries with inspiration for creating unique customer experience!

Thank you for joining us!


inspirational speakers



master classes

experience & passion

23. – 24. 9. 2020


Lukáš Porazil & Petra Kolářová


Petra is a Country HR Manager for the Czech and Slovak Republics. Lukáš is a regional director on three national markets – Czech, Slovak and Hungarian. They have both kept the culture and values of Starbucks alive for over a decade now. At the first meeting with the company they were both enchanted by its attitude, story and history, but also what Starbucks does for its surroundings and planet, although it is not at first sight to see.
After a warm welcome in Seattle, Petra and Lukáš wanted nothing more than to transfer what they had experienced to the Czech Republic. They are proud of how they are doing. They recruited a star team and gave them the culture, values, and principles of customer experience that spoke to them in America. And culture and people are what hold them both at Starbucks for so long. Their mission is clear – to elevate the human spirit over every cup of coffee in a pleasant environment.

Vladimír Dzurila

Chief digital officer for Czech Republic

Vladimír Dzurilla graduated from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava and studied at the British Open University. He worked for Accenture and O2. Since May 2016, he has been the Chief Executive Officer of the State Treasury the Shared Services Center.
In February 2018 he was appointed Government Plenipotentiary for IT and Digitization. Within this position he creates the strategic concept of Digital Czech Republic.

Adam Pycha


Adam is a manager and marketer who claims to be a primarily talkative & creative person.
He is a creative person who often runs to numbers and tables. He is on the numbers, but prefers to spend time in the middle of a lively discussion with his colleagues. Since 2017, he has been constantly searching for his forgotten coffee mugs in the halls of KNIHY DOBROVSKY and he is fortunate enough to lead dozens of unique people who love books just like him.

Martin Fryvaldsky

Warhorse Studios

Warhorse stands behind the world-famous video game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It has grown from a small crowd-funded company into a respected world player who is now expected to bring more hits. Martin Fryvaldsky, the Warhorse Studios CEO, is behind this and many other changes. He met Warhorse Studios on the investor’s side. His experience in corporate finance and private equity proved to be as important to Warhorse as the work of game designers and programmers.


Beata Benediktova – Clientology Institute

Do you know what CVP or Customer Value Proposition is? Do you know how successful companies redefine their business thanks to it?
And what about your company? Do you have a clear CVP? If not, do you know how to create one?

If you are hesitant, this masterclass will help you orientate yourself, learn the basic theory of value proposition and test the creation in practice.

What will you learn:

  • Why should you have a clearly defined differing value proposition
  • How to create it
  • How does it look like if there is no value proposition within the company
Key topics:

  • CVP
  • Differentiation from your competitors
  • Customer promises
  • Design principles
  • Proofpoints
MC designed for:

  • CX champions/managers
  • Product owners
  • Segment managers
  • Brand managers
Skills level:

  • Intermediate
Master class language:

  • Czech

For registration to the MC, visit the Registration section.

wednesday 14:00 - 17:30

Booked 8 out of 20

Michaela Rybová – Clientology Institute

Customer-centric design is becoming the new normal and has driven statistically tremendous developments in CX/UX and overall growth in unexpected industries.
Customer-centric design is rooted in clients insights and data. How to gather relevant insights, what tools and methods can you use?
This masterclass will help you on choose the right method for the customer insights collection, we will advice you how to properly build a discussion script and effectively interview your customers to get valuable data.

What will you learn:

  • What research methods exist and which is right for your company
  • How to create an effective discussion script and what are the musts of a good script
  • How to conduct customer interviews, so that you can learn the most valuable information
Key topics:

  • Customer insights
  • Research methods
  • Discussion script
  • How to conduct a customer interview
MC designed for:

  • Research specialists
  • Product owners
  • Segment specialists
Skills level:

  • Beginner / intermediate
Master class language:

  • Czech

For registration to the MC, visit the Registration section.

wednesday 14:00 - 17:30

Booked 5 out of 20

Kristina Liskova – Clientology Institute

Are you thinking about how to excite your company for CX? Do you have the support of your colleagues, but you still don’t know how to get started? Do your CX efforts miss a clear structure?
This masterclass will show you how to set up a functional curriculum that allows different target groups to understand what CX means and how they can contribute to it.

What will you learn:

  • Which format of academy fits your company
  • What topics should CX academy cover concerning different target groups
  • How to excite your leadership, as well as your colleagues and how to keep them engaged
Key topics:

  • CX eudcation structure
  • Goals of modules
  • How to connect the academy with all the other educational activities
  • Certification
MC designed for:

  • CX champions/managers
  • HR managers
Skills level:

  • Intermediate
Master class language:

  • Czech

For registration to the MC, visit the Registration section.

wednesday 14:00 - 17:30

Booked 4 out of 20

Andrea Nuttall (EN) / Lukáš Viktora (CZ) – Clientology Institute

The world is not changing, the world has already changed! The digital revolution has given clients strength – thanks to the Internet they can see and know more. This is one of the reasons why clients are much more demanding, asking for innovative products and wanting them immediately (or rather yesterday).
The organization must respond and one of the ways is agility. However, most of the agile transformations are not successful. The promised increased productivity, shorter product development time and faster return on investment remain in presentations. The active involvement of clients increases the chances of success.
This Master class will show you how to deliver innovative products / services not only quickly, but also so that clients like to buy, actively use and recommend them.

What will you learn:

  • How to actively involve clients in agile rituals
  • How to prioritize the backlog not only in terms of benefits for the company and technological demands, but also in terms of benefits for the client
  • How to ensure that independently operating tribes bring clients a harmonious experience across products and channels.
Key topics:

  • Agile CX governance
  • Bringing the clients` view into the agile rituals
  • Backlog prioritisation
MC designed for:

  • CXO
  • Segment manager
  • Product owner
  • Agile coach
Skills level:

  • Intermediate
Master class language:

  • Czech

For registration to the MC, visit the Registration section.

wednesday 14:00 - 17:30

Booked 11 out of 20

Tomas Holan – Clientology Institute

What I don’t measure, I don’t manage! Numbers alone will not inspire! How to build a CX dashboard to be a part of cultural change and be able to inspire both C level and front office colleagues?
Beautiful wishes, but how to do it? How to ensure a macro view of the whole company, be relevant to customer segments and individual channels and what about projects? Include them in the dashboard? What about customer verbatims?
This is what this masterclass is about. It will teach you how to build a dashboard for different target groups and link it to A-HA activities.

What will you learn:

  • The role of CX dashboard in CX governance
  • How to choose relevant data sources
  • How to determine what is relevant to the target group
  • How to create a dashboard and mini challenges
  • How to identify key stake holders and how to excite & engage them
Key topics:

  • CX Data
  • Dashboard
  • Customer verbatims
  • Role of dashboards
MC designed for:

  • CXO
  • CMO
  • Segment manager
  • Product owner
  • Brand managers
  • COO/managers
Skills level:

  • Intermediate
Master class language:

  • Czech

For registration to the MC, visit the Registration section.

wednesday 14:00 - 17:30

Booked 8 out of 20

CX Awards

CX Awards 2020

For the detail of all the nominated projects please see here

CX vision / strategy

4 projects have been nominated

The winner

Reaction to feedback

3 projects have been nominated

The winner
Moneta & Feedtrack

Customer journey mapping outcomes

2 projects have been nominated

The winner
INSIA & Motionlab

CX company culture

4 projects have been nominated

The winner
Bonami & Targito

CX metrics

3 projects have been nominated

The winner
Zoot & Targito

Follow us on Facebook & LinkedIn and participate in the CX competition to get a chance to win an entry for CX Huddle 2020


Wednesday 23. 9. 2020

  • Conference opening
  • CX 4.0 or modern CX challenges
    Martin Zaklasnik E.oN
  • Coffeebreak
  • The state and its clients
    Vladimir Dzurilla CDO CR
  • Turning MLM into lovebrand
    Petr Borkovec Partners
  • Lunch
  • Master Class I. How to put purpose at the core of your strategy
    Beáta Benediktová Clientology Institute (czech)
  • Master Class II. Embedding human insights into experience design
    Michaela Rybová Clientology Institute (czech)
  • Master Class III. Avoid CX programme failure thank to people who know how
    Kristina Lišková Clientology Institute (czech)
  • Master Class IV. How to deliver great experience in super fast agile world
    Andrea Nuttall (EN) / Lukáš Viktora (CZ) Clientology Institute (czech)
  • Master Class V. Beyond satisfaction score: How to make numbers talk
    Tomáš Holan Clientology Institute (czech)
  • Moving to the cinema
  • CX Awards - winners announcement
  • Dinner & networking

Thursday 24. 9. 2020

  • Welcome speech
  • From crowdfunding to gaming industry titans thanks to fans
    Martin Fryvaldsky WARHORSE STUDIO
  • Books addicts in the digital era
    Adam Pycha Knihy Dobrovsky
  • Coffeebreak
  • From powerpoint to the reality
    Jiri Matousek Centropol
  • How to move the Pyramid
    Ilona Katzova Modra Pyramida
  • Coffeebreak
  • We don't sell coffee, we sell experience
    Petra Kolarova and Lukas Porazil Starbucks
  • CX Networking and conference closing speech


For registration, please get in touch with Kristyna Benediktova at +420 731 365 580
or at




The conference will take place in the newly reconstructed Orea Hotel Pyramida Prague that will, together with its long story, bring inspiration on every step to you.

How to get there:
tube & tram from Prague, Main train station – 23 mins
tube & tram from Florenc – 21 mins

Previous years



Tomas Holan

+420 724 336 813


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